Wednesday, April 04, 2007

We're Gonna Party!

Last weekend at Ignite, John Flowers spoke on what holds us back when it comes to speaking with others about Jesus. We have to start a "revolution from the inside out"; we have to "get out of the salt shaker".

Remember in high school or middle school when there was that one party that was going to be the coolest one EVER? Everyone was going to be there, all your friends, the people that you loved to be with...and there was one guy, the host, who was just the life of the party-- remember that guy?

In the Bible, we are invited to a party. And there is that cool guy who claims he is "the Life" of that party.

Now, if you received an invitation to that party, but people were talking about how they're not sure if they want to go, either because

they didn't get an invitation,

or because they hear that the guy holding the party isn't that great,

or because they're too busy,

or too self-centered and afraid of what other people would think,

what would you do?

As followers of Jesus, it's our job to help get people to this party. If it's the going to be the best party EVER, wouldn't you want you friends to join you? Your family? Your coworkers? your roommates? Even crazy guy on the side of the road?

Of course you would.

Jesus wants everyone to be with him, enjoying this party. In fact, in the Gospels, as Jesus is with his disciples, people approached him asking, "Why is it that the disciples of John the Baptist and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting but yours are not?"

Jesus answers, "How can the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them?"

In other words, Jesus is saying that when he is with his people, there's a party going's time to celebrate! In fact, he uses a wedding analogy-- a metaphor that represents an event of union and love and celebration.

He is the life of the party.

In another Scripture, Jesus is teaching the people "Repent! For the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" For when Jesus became flesh and blood and came to us, his purpose wasn't to leave heaven behind. If you study the words of Jesus, it becomes more clear

that the purpose is to bring heaven to earth,

to bring the party to the people.

Whenever we meet somebody at a bus stop, on an elevator, at the gym, or a restaurant, we are called as followers of Jesus to show them the party they're missing out on. We have to extend Jesus' invitation to the party.

We have to show people through our words and actions who Jesus is.

We get to bring heaven to earth.

Well, what if I'm somebody who has no idea who this Jesus guy is? I know he's throwing this huge party (I don't know where), I might have heard of him, but I have never met him. How can I be convinced that this is the right party to go to? Is there shady business involved? Will there be some sort of ritual that I have to do to become "part of the club"?

As Christians, we should be able to allay those types of fears and answer questions about what it is like to be with "the bridegroom." We do this with reassurance in the fact that we KNOW Christ, that our personal relationship with him will give us the answers;

the words,

and the actions.

We must constantly have the invitation "on our lips and in our minds" so that we can extend it to others. In our pursuit to know the heart of God, our relationship with Him is vital for convincing others that Jesus is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life" of the party, and that there is



like it.


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