Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nasty Day, Nasty Week, With a Ray of Sunshine...

This week has been rough. I think God's been testing me, my faithfulness, my love for Him, and I think he has been preparing me for big things to come. It feels good to write all this down (probably a benefit to blogging).
I have had past problems with pornography, and this week the Devil tried hard to get me to succumb to old temptations. On top of all that rough sailin', I've been praying about a dating relationship. I can kind of see how these two occurences could coincide.
This week I also had two tests, a vocab quiz (that I forgot to study for!) and numerous other projects. It has been hectic and I've had to lean on God a whole lot through it all.


Blogger Megan said...

WOW! Ryan, I have felt the same way over the past week. I've felt stretched beyond my means and just leaning on God through it all. But isn't it great to see the light at the end of the tunnel "for the heart that holds on?" I got you!

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan, I know how you feel! This entire week has been rough. Who says it's spring break? I've not had a break yet. I recently got away from something that had really been hurting my walk with God and Sunday was when I had some relief. I could finally let it go and WOW the difference it can make. I got you Ryan and I'll see you on Sunday!

10:01 PM  

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