"Look at all these sinners...."
I think the video illustrates how we think about evangelism sometimes. We see the word as black and white, us and them. We fail to remember that we were once without hope and that we are all unworthy of God's amazing grace. In its worst forms, evangelism stands upon this dichotomy.
Crazy guy with the sandwich boards
The Guy with the bullhorn
The Pamphlet People
The Bible Givers
the list goes on. Jesus DID NOT do what is portrayed in this video. He didn't set an example for people to always walk up to people saying "I'm-a-Christian-are-you?-You-need-to-visit-
my-church" attitude. There was no condemnation towards people who did not yet know him.
Jesus taught us to love people by investing in a relationship with them.
I believe God wants us to form relationships with people so that we can use that relationship as a mirror image of what he wants with us. You can't do that if you're always moving 100 miles per minute, giving people the "How ya doin?" without really caring.
We have to be careful we don't fall in that trap. It's dangerous to fool ourselves into thinking we are doing God's will when we don't take the time to get to know people.
Love God, love people. If you want to change the world, all you have to do is summon the courage to make a friend, to impact the lives of the people you meet. Then, God might use that relationship to show His glory and to begin a relationship with his lost sheep.
Your spiritual depth never ceases to amaze me my friend
I really enjoy reading your passion for Jesus. You have an awesome heart Ryan. Your blog is good encouragement for me.
Thanks for writing this.
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